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Joyce Yip Green earned her PhD in International Psychology, Organizations and Systems concentration at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and received her Masters degree in Marital & Family Therapy/Clinical Art Therapy at Loyola Marymount University. For over 20 years, she has worked as an art therapist serving individuals and families across the lifespan. Her extensive experience includes program oversight of community-based programs serving children 0-5 and their families as well as the mental health programs at several community college health centers in LA County. Professor Green has presented nationally and internationally on her cultural research examining socialization goals and parenting beliefs of Rwandan infant caregivers and recently published an edited book chapter, “The Rwandan way of parenting: Promoting a culture of peace”. Professor Green’s current research utilizes arts-based methodologies to examine the experiences of immigration and acculturation, particularly of those who have been impacted by war and displacement from Laos and South Korea.