Challenges and Future Strategies for B-Schools

Anatoly Zhuplev, Francisco J. Valle, Jose Rincón, Max Plithides

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter examines the evolution of American higher education (HE) and business schools (B-schools) in the historical and contemporary strategic context. It explores the influence of the Humboldtian model on the contemporary HE industry in America. The chapter analyzes the current HE landscape, revenue sources, and global reach. The chapter investigates strategic disruptors like demographic shifts, skyrocketing costs of college and student loan burden, technological impacts, including proliferation of IT and AI, eroding public confidence in HE, and political and regulatory trends. The chapter explores solutions like accreditation reform and diversified credentials. It examines pressures on B-schools, including slow technology adoption and competition. It emphasizes the need for B-schools to embrace innovation, technology, and industry partnerships. The chapter concludes with a collaborative educational project focused on regional socio-economic development grounded in comparative analysis of best global practices, highlighting the potential of HE to address real-world issues.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInsights Into International Higher Education Leadership and the Skills Gap
PublisherIGI Global
ISBN (Electronic)9798369334447
ISBN (Print)9798369334430
StatePublished - 2025

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