Developing beginning language learners’ (meta-)cultural understanding via student-led linguistic landscape research

Yu Li, Hakyoon Lee, Bumyong Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Practitioners of additional-language (AL) education have consistently argued for the pedagogical benefits of engaging students in Linguistic Landscape (LL) research. The potential of how LL study may contribute to students’ development in (meta-)cultural understanding is yet to be explored. Additionally, while a number of present studies target students at the intermediate or advanced level, student-led LL research projects designed for learners with beginning AL proficiency are under-explored. This paper seeks to fill these gaps by offering a study of undergraduate students learning Chinese and those learning Korean in their first year in the United States. Analysis of student work and pre- and post-project survey data demonstrates that engaging beginning learners of AL in LL research enables them to develop enriched and nuanced understanding of cultural authenticity as well as a deeper appreciation of their target culture. In other words, it is beneficial for promoting their meta-cultural as well as culture-specific learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)56-84
JournalLinguistic Landscape
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 30 2021

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