Pseudoprime L-Ideals in a Class of F-Rings

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In a commutative f-ring, an l-ideal I is called pseudoprime if ab = 0 implies a ∈ I or b ∈ I, and is called square dominated if for every a ∈ I, |a| ≤ x 2 for some x ∈ A such that x 2 ∈ I. Several characterizations of pseudoprime l-ideals are given in the class of commutative semiprime f-rings in which minimal prime l-ideals are square dominated. It is shown that the hypothesis imposed on the f-rings, that minimal prime l-ideals are square dominated, cannot be omitted or generalized.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)685-692
Number of pages8
JournalProceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Issue number3
StatePublished - Nov 1 1988

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


  • Mathematics

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