The Myth of the Student Hero and the “Dreaded Lit Review”

Dean Scheibel, Susan Gardner Archambault, Melanie Hubbard

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This book uses images from 27 student comics from roughly 125 comics created in my course, “Introduction to Communication Inquiry,” over a three-year period. Most of the them were created in a couple of weeks, which was the time remaining in a semester after the students had completed a traditional academic paper called a “literature review.” I wanted students to reflect on the process of writing a literature review by telling a story about it. I wanted them to tell the story in the form of a comic. I thought I would get a deeper and better reflection if the process was more creative, something that used images as well as words, and that required a bit of planning and organizing.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jan 1 2019

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